452 Home | Lab Page | Readings | Computing | Useful Links |
The AOS 452 lab will apply the concepts learned in lecture to a scientific discussion of the weather and how we forecast it. The lab section will introduce you to several graphical tools that are intended to help you convey these new concepts effectively in your weather discussions, projects, and labs. |
Syllabus and Tentative Schedule Wx Challenge Forecasting Rules of Thumb (.ppt) GFS MOS Guidance Website |
Lab | Assignment | Due |
1. | Hand Analysis (Surface Map) | 14 Sept. |
2. | Hand Analysis (700 mb map) | 19 Sept. |
3. | GEMPAK Familiarization | 21 Sept. |
4. | Sutcliffe Development Theorem | 26 Sept. |
5. | The QG Omega Equation | 28 Sept. |
6. | sfmap | 3 Oct. |
7. | snmap | 5 Oct. |
8. and 9. | Q Vectors and Qn + Qs | 10 Oct. |
10. | gdcross | 12 Oct. |
11. | upper air scripting | 17 Oct. |
12. | Frontogenesis | 19 Oct. |
13. | Cross section through a front | 24 Oct. |
14. | Identifying upper fronts using horizontal maps | 26 Oct. |
15. | Cross section through an upper front | 7 Nov. |
16. | Conditional symmetric instability | 9 Nov. |
17. | Quasi-geostrophic (QG) height tendency equation | 14 Nov. |
18. | Cyclogenesis from QG height tendency equation | 16 Nov. |
19. | Explosive cyclogenesis | 21 Nov. |
20. | Revisiting Hand Analysis | 30 Nov. |
Papers | Due | Ind. CS | Case Study #1 | Oct. 19 |
Ind. CS | Case Study #2 | Nov. 9 |
Ind. CS | Case Study #3 - Term Paper | Dec. 5 |