Example Exam Questions

1) If the atmosphere did not have mass, we could not measure

(a) temperature.
(b) pressure.
(c) density.
(d) all of the above.

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2) Two very important chemicals that exist in small quantities in Earth's atmosphere are

(a) methane and nitrogen.
(b) water and ozone.
(c) oxygen and nitrogen.
(d) argon and water.

Click here for the answer.

3) The fact that it is more difficult to breathe at high altitude than at sea-level is most directly related to

(a) the decrease in pressure with height.
(b) the decrease in temperature with height.
(c) the decrease in density with height.
(d) the increase in temperature with height in the stratosphere.

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4) Water has a specific heat twice as large as that of ice. This means that it takes ____ as many calories of heat to raise the temperature of 1 g of ____ 1 degree Celcius as it does to raise the temperature of 1 g of ____ 1 degree Celcius.

(a) two times, ice, water
(b) one-half, water, ice
(c) two times, water, ice
(d) one-fourth, ice, water

Click here for the answer.

There will be 30 questions on the exam and they will be very much like these four. Good luck.